Laura Haverkamp, PhD

Photo of Laura Haverkamp

Laura Haverkamp, PhD

Assistant Professor of Professional Practice

PhD: Information Science, University of South Carolina, 2021

Master's Degree(s): MLIS, University of South Carolina, 1999, Special and School Library Focus; MEd, Curriculum Instruction, George Mason University, 1995

Bachelor's Degree(s): BA, English and Communications, Tulane University, 1991

223 Peabody Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
O: (225) 578-5861
F: (225) 578-4581




A former high school English teacher in New York City and South Carolina, Laura Haverkamp was a high school librarian for 24 years. She has six years’ experience teaching graduate level courses at the University of South Carolina and Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, including YA Literature, Storytelling, and Acquisition and Management of Knowledge and Information. 

Courses Taught

LIS 7010 Organization of Information

LIS 7011 Information Behavior

Research Areas

Impact of Technology in School Libraries, Library Advocacy, Equitable Library and Information Access, and Fitness Information Seeking.

Selected Publications

Haverkamp, L. (2023). 5 tech tools for the kinesthetic learner. ESchool News.

Haverkamp, L. (2022). Pizza box puppet talks and getting teens to talk: The inaugural Johanna Sweetland Lum grant: Thinking outside the box can garner some excellent collaborations. Young Adult Library Services, 20(2), 11–14.

Selected Presentations

Haverkamp, L. "Quick Program Ideas." South Carolina Association of School Librarians (SCASL) Regional Conference, October, 2019.

Haverkamp, L. "Promoting Reading in a 1:1 Environment." South Carolina Association of School Librarians (SCASL) Regional Conference, March 2016.

Haverkamp, L. "AASL Lesson Plan Database: Mental Health in YA Literature." South Carolina Association of School Librarians (SCASL) Regional Conference, March 2014.

Haverkamp, L. "Strong in the Stacks." South Carolina Association of School Librarians (SCASL) Regional Conference, March 2013.

Haverkamp, L. "Weeding and Feng Shui." South Carolina Association of School Librarians (SCASL) Regional Conference, March 2011. 


Selected Grants & Funded Projects

Haverkamp, L. "Pizza Box Puppet Talks." Young Adult Library Services Association, Joann Sweetland Lum Memorial Grant, 2021. $1,000, funded.

Selected Professional & Community Service

ALA American Rescue Plan Grant, Reviewer, 2022

ALA Johanna Sweetland Lum Grant, Reviewer, 2021

Awards & Honors

Top 5 Candidate for Richland One School District Teacher of the Year, 2021-22

Dreher High School Teacher of the Year, 2020-21

SCASL Nancy Jane Day Scholarship, 2017

Beta Phi Mu, 2000