Global Engagement Spotlight: Jiyoung Lee

July 10, 2024

LSU alumni are making a difference in communities around the world. This week, our team caught up with recent alum Dr. Jiyoung Lee – a graduate of both the College of Humanities & Social Sciences and the College of Engineering – to discuss her time at LSU and her next big steps.  


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Jiyoung Lee, LSU PhD in Geography, Master's in Computer Science

Innovating Across Disciplines

Over the last six years, Dr. Lee has graduated with two LSU degrees: a Master’s in Computer Science and a PhD in Geography. This unique combination of degrees has fueled her research, which lies at the intersection of machine learning, geospatial data, and environmental needs. "My research aims to contribute to community resilience," she says. "I want to help people and make a difference in urban areas affected by flooding."   
And Dr. Lee is doing just that. After her graduation, she is beginning a postdoctoral position at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, focusing on flood event analysis and urban resilience.   
Her time at LSU, says Dr. Lee, helped her achieve this early career success: “While pursuing my PhD, I also took computer science classes and ultimately earned a second Master’s degree in Computer Science. This additional qualification significantly enhanced my coding skills and deepened my understanding of the fields.” And, by working as a research assistant, “I developed strong collaboration skills within a multidisciplinary team.”  


a team of researchers stand in front of a table decorated with LSU merch


three researchers smile behind a board and a computer screen that present their work


two people in graduation regalia smile with a guest


Choosing LSU

During our interview, we asked Dr. Lee how she chose LSU as the place to pursue her graduate studies. Originally from South Korea, Dr. Lee decided to make the long journey to LSU because of the opportunities – at LSU, she secured an excellent advisor and a teaching assistantship to kickstart her academic career. LSU's vibrant campus life and Louisiana’s famous food and sightseeing spots further solidified her choice.   
To future students considering LSU, Dr. Lee says, “I met a lot of excellent professors and colleagues. I believe you'll also learn from dedicated professors who are experts in their fields. You'll meet inspiring and driven colleagues as well who will challenge and support you throughout your academic journey.” And, after experiencing Louisiana’s unpredictable rain showers, Dr. Lee advises: “Don’t forget to bring an umbrella!”  

"You'll meet inspiring and driven colleagues [. . .] who will challenge and support you throughout your academic journey."

Jiyoung Lee, LSU alum

Thank you, Dr. Lee, for sharing your LSU experience with us! To learn more about LSU and our global student community, check out the Office of Global Engagement website

Thank you to Dwayne Hinton of the College of Science for conducting the initial interview and for his collaboration on this article.