LSU Students Reconnect with Roots & Expand Horizons in Europe

June 17, 2024

Study abroad programs – opportunities for students to live and learn at global destinations while earning credit toward their LSU degrees – can help you connect with your past and shape your future.  

This summer, our team caught up with two LSU students, Mindy Jones and Natalie Queyrouze, who studied abroad in Europe over the past academic year. Mindy and Natalie shared what their European experiences meant to them – academically, professionally, and personally.  

Mindy Jones, College of Humanities & Social Sciences, Robert Hadfield Ogden Honors College 

Last summer, Mindy – a psychology and criminology major – studied abroad in Oxford, England, with fellow students from the LSU Honors College. Her program allowed her to complete several General Education credits and supported her pursuit of the Honors College Sophomore Honors Distinction. These academic skills were complemented by career skills; Mindy shared that her international experience and the independence and problem-solving skills it developed will benefit her future career.  

In addition to academic and professional growth, Mindy’s time in England held a special personal significance. “My grandfather was from Liverpool,” Mindy says, “having moved to the US fresh out of college, before marrying my grandmother and starting a family here. But until last summer, I'd never visited his country or seen what he called home. During my stay, I was able to visit Liverpool as well as some of my family who still reside there, many of whom I’d never met. Because of this trip, I was able to feel a deeper connection to my family and background.”


student smiles in a classic London phone booth



student walks through a scenic European town



student sips tea in an English tea room



Natalie Queyrouze, E.J. Ourso College of Business 

Natalie – an international trade and finance major – studied abroad in Lyon, France, and had the opportunity to visit twelve countries during her stay in Europe. For Natalie, this program was critical to her future career; she plans to work in the travel industry after college, and studying abroad introduced her to international business practices and helped her explore career opportunities. Natalie shared that she feels this program has given her a competitive edge in the job market.  

This professional edge was complemented with personal connections and growth. Natalie treasures the new relationships she built with people in the countries she visited, and she shared that the challenge of adjusting to a new environment helped her develop as a person. “While abroad, I made it a point to challenge myself daily by embracing new experiences,” Natalie says. “Every night, I went to bed with the satisfaction of knowing I had grown as a person and was becoming better for it.”  


student stands in front of a fir tree in a European city


three students hold freshly made pasta in their hands


student smiles in front of a majestic mountain range


Where Will You Geaux?  

When asked what they would say to other students considering a study abroad program, both Mindy and Natalie enthusiastically said, “Do it!” Both students found study abroad accessible, and Mindy noted the availability of scholarships to support the journey.

If you’re ready to see what you can learn abroad – connecting with your past or shaping your future – contact our study abroad team today. There’s a world of opportunity out there. Where will you geaux?