Judicial Roster


All things Judicial

All justices of the Judicial Branch are appointed by the student body president with the approval by the Student Senate. The branch is led by the chief justice and deputy chief justice who are elected amongst the appointed associate justices. The Judicial Staff carries out the administrative functions of the judicial branch, and the Election Commission manages, facilitates, and coordinates all Student Government elections.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the individuals listed below with your question or problem.

Branch Heads

Chief Justice 

camille's headshot

Camille Cronin
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Deputy Chief Justice

sam's headshot

Sam Staggs
College of Music & Dramatic Arts / College of Engineering


Judicial Branch Roster

  • Austin Arceneaux


  • Catherine Lant


  • Ella Millet


  • Sydney Smith

  • Jasmine Ward






  • To Be Determined

**While the Election Commission operates as an entity outside Student Government, the commission regularly works and communicates with the Judicial Branch.

  • Commissioner: Carlin Sekhani-Matthews


  • Vice-Commissioner: Lea Showers


  • Director of Communications: Avery Sams


  • Director of Finance: Tori Ingrassia


  • Director of Administration: Zachary Legier