Britta Leise

Britta Leise

Associate Dean for Staff and Faculty Advancement

Associate Professor of Equine Surgery

Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences

LSU School of Veterinary Medicine
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Joined LSU Vet Med Faculty October 1, 2015



PhD, The Ohio State University, 2010

DVM, Louisiana State University, 2002

MS, Louisiana State University, 1997

BS, Virginia Tech, 1995


Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Surgeons (Large Animal)

Research Interest

My research focuses on inflammatory conditions in the horse, which includes sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome, laminitis, osteoarthritis, and wound healing. I also have an interest in how regenerative medicine therapies, such as the use of mesenchymal stem cells, can be used to treat these inflammatory conditions of the horse. 

Teaching Interest

My teaching interest involve educating veterinary and graduate students on various conditions of the horse including those involving the musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, and respiratory systems. I enjoy teaching clinically relevant topics and surgical skills to my veterinary students and residents. 

Clinical Interest

I have a wide clinical interest within the field of equine surgery and lameness. I have particular interest in treating conditions of the horse’s hoof (such as laminitis) and those conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. My surgical interest include arthroscopy, colic surgery, laparoscopic, and surgery of the upper airway. 


*Selected recent publications

Malacarne BD, Martins RR, Paz CFR, Alves JVA, Dias LA, Cavalcante MA, Miranda A, Silva AGM, Leise BS, Carvalho AM, Faleiros RR. (2023) Histological comparison of the lamellar tissue of Iberian origin breed horses created in semi-feral conditions or in an intensive system. PLOS One. 18(6):e0286536 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286536 

Moss A, Leise B and Hackett E. (2023) Stress response as a contributing factor in horses with laminitis. J Vet Sci. 24(2):e33.  

Castro-Cuellar G**, Cremer J, Chin-Chi L, Queiroz-Williams P, Hampton C, Leise B.  (2023) Buprenorphine has a concentration-dependent cytotoxic effect on equine chondrocytes in vitro. Am J Vet Res.  

UPDATE: Cruz-Sanabria JA**, Gaschen L, Bragulla HH, Mitchell M, Leise BS.  (2021) Ultrasound-guided perineural injection of the equine caudal cervical spinal nerve roots. Vet Anesth Analg. 48(4):603-611. 

Patton ME, Leise BS, Baker RE, Andrews F. (2021) The effects of bit chewing on borborygmi, duodenal motility and gastrointestinal transit time in clinically normal horses. Vet Surgery.

Leise BS and Fugler LA. (2021) Laminitis Updates: Sepsis/systemic inflammatory response syndrome associated laminitis. Vet Clinics North America; Equine Pract. 37:639-656. doi: 10.1016/j.cveq.2021.08.003

Cruz-Sanabria JA, Gaschen L, Bragulla HH, Mitchell M, Leise BS.  (2021) Ultrasound-guided perineural injection of the equine caudal cervical spinal nerve roots. Vet Anesth Analg. 48(4):603-611. doi: 10.1016/j.vaa.2021.04.002

Daniel AJ, Leise BS, Selberg K, Barrett M (2019) Enhanced ultrasonographic imaging of the equine distal limb using saline injection of the digital flexor tendon sheath: a cadaver study. Vet J. 247:26-31. doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2019.02.007

Hackett ES and Leise BS (2019) Exercising upper respiratory videoendoscopic findings of 50 competition draft horses with abnormal respiratory noise and/or poor performance. Equine Vet J.  51(3):370-374. doi: 10.1111/evj.13026

Sandow C, Fugler LA, Leise BS, Riggs L, Monroe T, Totaro N, Belknap JK, Eades SC (2019) Ex vivo effects of insulin on the structural integrity of equine digital lamellae.  Equine Vet J.  51(1):131-135. DOI: 10.1111/evj.12964

Leise BS* (2018) Topical wound medications. Vet Clinics North America; Equine Pract.  34(3):485-498. doi: 10.1016/j.cveq.2018.07.006  

Leise BS* (2018) The role of neutrophils in equine laminitis. Cell Tissue Res. 371(3):541-550. doi: 10.1016/j.cveq.2018.07.006

Daniel AJ, Leise BS, Burgess BA, Morley PS, Cloniger M, Hassel DH (2016) Concentrations of serum amyloid A and plasma fibrinogen in horses undergoing emergency abdominal surgery. J Vet Emerg Crit Care. 26:344-51. doi: 10.1016/j.cveq.2018.07.006

Leise BS*, Watts MR, Sen C, Roy S, Belknap JK (2015) Use of laser capture microdissection for the assessment of equine laminar basal epithelial cells signaling in the early stages of laminitis. Equine Vet J. 47:478-488. doi: 10.1111/evj.12283 


Grant Funding

McCurdy K*, Leise BS.  The effect of hyaluronic acid on equine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell migration in vitro. 2021-2022. Louisiana State University Veterinary Clinical Science Competitive Research Program Grant. $4740.  

Leise BS, Faleiros RR, Fugler LA. mTOR signaling: A potential marker for the assessment of therapeutics for equine laminitis. 2021-2022. Charles V. Cusimano Equine Health Studies Program Research Grant. $11,968. 

Leise BS, Fugler LA.  Cytokine profile in horses administered lipopolysaccharide: Does pentoxifylline have systemic effect on inflammation? 2020-2021. Charles V. Cusimano Equine Health Studies Program Research Grant. $6,000. 

St. Blanc M*, Mitchell C, Leise BS.  Analysis of the cytotoxic effects of Clodronate Disodium on Equine Chondrocytes. 2020-2021. Charles V. Cusimano Equine Health Studies Program Research Grant. $4,000. 

Middlebrooks Q**, Leise BS. Foal outcomes from mares experiencing colic in the gestational period. 2020. Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine / National Institute of Health Summer Research Scholars Program. $6,200. 

Leise BS, Fugler LA.  Evaluation of neuropathic pain mediators in acute and chronic laminitis. 2019-2021. Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine Competitive Research Program, USDA 1433. $7,500. 

Leise BS, Riggs LM, Guerreo-Plata A, McCauley C, Aguilar-Miranda C. Ex Vivo determination of platelet activation via flow cytometry and growth factor production in synovial fluid from osteoarthritic and non-osteoarthritic joints of horses. 2018-2019. American College of Veterinary Surgeons Foundation Diplomate Clinical Research Grant, $9,937. 

Steiner M**, Leise BS, Mitchell CF, da Cunha A, Fugler LA, Patton M.  The use of liposomal bupivacaine as an incisional analgesic and its effects on wound healing. 2019. Louisiana State University / BI Summer Scholar Program. $6,211.