Matthew Hiatt
Position: Associate Professor, Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences
Phone: 225-578-6092
Office: 2235 Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Bachelor's Degree(s): B.S.C.E. Civil Engineering, University of Kansas, 2011
Master’s Degree(s): M.S.E. Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 2013
Ph.D.(s): Ph.D. Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 2016
Research Interests
Coastal hydrology, environmental fluid dynamics, harmful algal blooms, water transport timescales in deltas and wetlands, hydrological connectivity in coastal environments, network analysis, nearshore waves
Recent Publications
Chowdhury, M.K., K.M Konsoer, and M. Hiatt (2022), Effect of lateral outflow on three-dimensional flow structure in a river delta, Water Resources Research, e2021WR031346.
Zhang, Q., C. Li, W. Huang, J. Lin, M. Hiatt, and V.H. Rivera-Monroy (2022), Water Circulation Driven by Cold Fronts in the Wax Lake Delta (Louisiana, USA), Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(3), 415.
Hiatt, M., E.A. Addink, and M.G. Kleinhans, Connectivity and directionality in estuarine channel networks (2021), Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1– 18.
Castañeda-Moya, E., V.H. Rivera-Monroy, R.M. Chambers, X. Zhao, L. Lamb-Wotton, A. Gorsky, E.E. Glaiser, T.G. Troxler, J.S. Kominoski, and M. Hiatt (2020), Hurricanes fertilize mangrove forests in the Gulf of Mexico (Florida Everglades, USA), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Mar 2020, 117 (9) 4831-4841.
Hiatt, M, W. Sonke, E.A. Addink, W.M. van Dijk, M. van Kreveld, T. Ophelders, K. Verbeek, J. Vlaming, B. Speckmann, and M.G. Kleinhans (2020), Geometry and topology of estuary and braided river channel networks automatically extracted from topographic data, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125, e2019JF005206.
Castaneda-Moya, E., Rivera-Monroy, V. H., Chambers, R. M., Zhao, X., Lamb-Wotton, L., Gorsky, A., Glaiser, E. E., Troxler, T. G., Kominosky, J. S., Hiatt, M. (2020). Hurricanes fertilize mangrove forests in the Gulf of Mexico (Florida Everglades, USA). Proceedings of the National Academies of Science, 117(9), 4831-4841.
Hiatt, M., Sonke, W., Addink, E. A., van Dijk, W. M., van Krevald, M., Ophelders, T., Verbeek, K., Vlaming, J., Speckmann, B., Kleinhans, M. G. (2020). Geometry and topology of estuary and braided river channel networks automatically extracted from topographic data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125, e2019JF005206.
Hiatt, M., Snedden, G., Day, J. W., Rohli, R. V., Nyman, J. A., Lane, R., Sharp, L. A. (2019). Drivers and impacts of water level fluctuations in the Mississippi River delta: Implications for delta restoration. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science.
van Dijk, W., Hiatt, M., van der Werf, J., Kleinhans, M. G. (2019). Effect of perturbations by shoal margin collapses on the morphodynamics of a sandy estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface.
Hiatt, M., Castaneda-Moya, E., Twilley, R. R., Hodges, B. R., Passalacqua, P. (2018). Channel-island connectivity affects exposure time distributions in a coastal river delta. Water Resources Research, 54.
Wright, K., Hiatt, M., Passalacqua, P. (2018). Hydrological Connectivity in Vegetated River Deltas: The Importance of Patchiness Below a Threshold. Geophysical Research Letters, 45.