Computer Labs

The Department of Geography and Anthropology maintains two computer labs for teaching and research in mapping sciences, digital humanities, climate studies, and other areas covered in the variety of courses offered by the department.

Popular software available in the labs:

  • Agisoft Metashape
  • ArcGIS
  • Canvas
  • EndNote
  • Imagine
  • Google Earth Pro
  • Matlab
  • Microsoft Office
  • QGIS
  • R
  • R Studio

Howe-Russell E220

The E220 lab is open to undergraduate and graduate students in the LSU community during open hours when there are no classes in the room. The 20-station lab gives students access to a desktop computer, dual monitors, and software for their research or completing class assignments. It also functions as a multimedia classroom.


Open hours Summer 2024:

No open hours; see the department office W227 for access.

Class schedule Fall 2024:

howe russell lab

Howe-Russell 260

The 260 teaching lab is used primarily for instruction of undergraduate courses. The room is equipped with a multimedia podium and projectors along with 28 workstations.


Class schedule Fall 2024:

260 lab