Reaffirmation of Accreditation 2024

All institutions accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) are required to undergo a review for reaffirmation of accreditation every ten years.  While LSU has many on-going processes in place to ensure continuous compliance with SACSCOC requirements, the reaffirmation process provides the university with the opportunity for a comprehensive examination. This will document LSU's effectiveness in achieving its stated mission, its overall compliance for all standards, and its efforts in enhancing the quality of student learning as well as the quality of programs and services offered to its constituencies.

Reaffirmation is comprised of two primary components:

  • Compliance Certification, which provides narrative and supporting evidence to demonstrate compliance with each of the 73 standards set forth by SACSCOC.
  • Quality Enhancement Plan, which is a program designated as an institutional priority to enhance student learning and/or student success.

Key Dates

As outlined in the key dates below, the review includes an off-site peer evaluation of compliance, an on-site review and QEP consultation, and a final review by the Commission’s Board of Trustees in December 2024.

  • LSU Reaffirmation Launch begins Spring 2022
  • QEP development begins Spring 2022
  • Compliance Certification development begins Spring/Summer 2022
  • Compliance Certification, including QEP, due September 1, 2023
  • Off-Site Peer Review October 31 - November 3, 2023
  • Final QEP proposal due tentatively January 2024
  • Focused Report (if required) due tentatively January 2024
  • On-Site Visit April 2-4, 2024
  • SACSCOC Action Taken December 5-8, 2024

Contact Us

Tara Rose
Associate Vice Provost


Claire Sassic Young
Assistant Director for Institutional Effectiveness

Email Claire



Graphic of key dates listed above.